Friday, April 16, 2010

Think twice

Let's see. Shorter and obviously i don't know how to manage my hair like the salon always do.
Time-consuming i would say.

This is coincidence when mummy called and keep telling me :"your sister is like chinese doll now." Oh,i can't get that time when i received the call with this message. After reading her blog on this Monday, ohh...i get it Hui Yin's sis..Have a look on Lady gaga in black :P

Oh, by the way, think twice is cutting shorter of my hair. Hair dresser was surprised with my requirement. Because i always ask her to cut a bit will do and that day was not the same. :P
No, i don't really think twice. I just want to have shorter hair to help reduce heat in Kampar. bla-bla-bla : D

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