Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Once a week

at this moment,
I realise i should fully utilise campus facilities. 
I stay at school from 10am to 8pm.
This is what my lifestyle would be for another 10 weeks.
Anyway, i like it.

Friday with Talk a lot. :)
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It's time at 9am to campus.
Park outside campus- Walking distance: 10 mins.
9.30am -11am class.
11-12.30pm class.
12.30-2pm class.
4.00-6.00pm class.
6.00-8.00pm class.
walking out to car: 10 mins.
Dinner: 45 mins
Back home at 9pm.

So, in few mins time, i am heading to my bed.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another version

Another version of That should be me from Justin Bieber.
i find it from Top Favorite from Youtube.
Frankly, i think this version is better than Bieber's.
When listening through Bieber's album, I don't really notice this song.
And I like it now.
In the mid of the song, he included Wedding Dress-Tae Yang(one of my favourite last year) to make the combination of both songs.
Share it to you now.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Thanks to blogger.com for theme designer. New features i addicted to change mine now. Love it ! Now still editing. So easy and organized.


Back to 2007, the day i was being nervous to meet new things, like making new friends from other states,knowing the different people who i never meet in my own town, get to know my first lecturer who is a nice and aggressive. Attending all classes and do all tutorial were my goals when i was new there. My first day in campus was long queue at the basement. That's right. I'm a student in university. still...

Other than that, we are required to wear long pants,casual shirts and as normal and ordinary without shown your legs and arms. *cough* Tag with your ID card is a must for entering to campus. At first, timetable for foundation semester 1 was quite satisfying. All classes ended before 4pm if i'm not mistaken. Location: in Section 13 Petaling Jaya. According to coursemates, it is not so good compared to the others. However,overall was graded 'average'. Another issue is test. It was problem of insufficient classroom for us to conduct test. This was the problems ...No..This is still h*ll ya the problem. 

May 2008, I completed my foundation after i stayed in PJ for a year. I headed to Kampar to continue my degree course. Nevertheless, i have to be honest, I can't used to it. Although i'm kind of person who stay at home most of the time, I still cannot used to be in kampung aka village. I feel like i'm kinda left behind the most latest news or  latest closet clothes which i cannot shop in Kampar. 

However, we won't have to worry about traffic jam. I won't stuck in the traffic. We don't walk to campus because it takes 45 mins. Other impression you might get from here is bicycle. When i was back for one semester break, my high school mates were surprised with the statement i made everyone is cycling all around in Kampar. They laughed but it is truth. First year of degree, timetable was quite suck which i had to attend class until 7pm. It was a problem when we owned no vehicle person who had to depend on bus. We had to wait the bus until 8pm as scheduled.(we including my housemates) 

Luckily, this problem solved when one of my housemates owned a car. Another problem was popping up with car sticker. It was a problem with students who have vehicles. We need car sticker to park in campus area, but it costs RM300 per year. In my calculation manner :P = one year is 365 days,minus out semester break and weekends around 270 days,which means we had to pay RM1.11 per day. Afterall, the sticker were in great demand too as we were rushing for it. 

Another intake students were coming in, and for absolute, the human being move in Kampar is doubled compared to last year. Bicycles doubled as well. Ouch, the timetable are getting worse as we have to attend class until 8pm. Another change that they made which they said as 'system change', we were conducting our tests during the lecture class time because they do not have enough classroom for us. Such a good **!

Never like the change. What if i were not in this university, where should i go? Back here, now another intake,which i am now third year of my course, thesis is killing me deeply. Ohh, car sticker application system was changed after our batch. The sticker is now only available for one semester,e-balloting and i'm not the lucky one who can get the sticker. And worst of all, we have to park outside of our campus, walk in and out from campus. Another even worst number 2, we had to walk in the dark for two days per week for the semester as class till 8 and rainy days. It sucks. 

I am still not the lucky one. We still don't have any car sticker for this semester and extra grievous is now three days class till 8pm. In other word, walk in dark three days out of 5 :( 

Now everywhere is full of people, cafeteria is full, lecture is full,car park is full,even corridor is also full with people.

Before i end my post, there is something i want to share. I like our new building- Library. But still the same,full with people. People=voices/noises. I think our campus still need some discussion room. I like this library. :D


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it is to work hard

holiday has ended. Today is the second day to college. Everything must proceed like the way i have planned.
Last Wednesday, i watched Shrek Forever After with my sister. No one is willing to do cartoon with me.
And she is the one :) I love her so much..:D

still acting cute for camera.

After a week, I am going to attend classes from now. No more holiday in Penang. I do not promise anything before i came back to Kampar.
But i promise to work harder now.
I can do it!
Nothing is impossible.