It's not an official day to have a school holiday, but it's an official day to express our appreciation to thanks the teachers from Malaysia or any other parts of the world. Students are celebrating this day annually.This day is dedicated to teachers.
After i graduated from high school, i said goodbye to all these celebration; Teachers' Day, Children Day...
However, i still remember how teachers played important role in my life,especially in primary school. They were there to inspire their students no matter how the students performed in their classes. They always guided us to the right path.
With their attention, with their kindness, i was lead to the right path. Instead of what i thought who they really are, an article from The Star stated most teachers are happy if they get their salary regularly with basic increase, a bonus and occassional rivision of salaries.Some are happy if they get promoted. Luckily some are only happy when they see their students learn and progress and turn out to be the best for society.
Special thanks to all teachers.
This is the way we(student) show our appreciation.
Happy Teachers' Day
Selamat Hari Guru.
Curious: What kind of flower to give on Teachers' Day.
Take a bow ! :)
p/s :for our information, World Teachers' Day is on 5th October.