Early morning,practice to present later...Presentation again.I never good in this.I don't even what is the skill.
NO PHOTO for this post,coz not taking any photos.The main objective is: Practice until wan to vomit...Actually i didn't really work hard on it...HOHO~ Come here to report something.
birthday is coming soon.Don't know how to celebrate.Wonder...
Tesco Kampar is opening soon...Very soon...Before my big day =)
*There is
Sushi-king in Kampar...WAhahahaha...
*The problem is i don't know how to go there...No bus..No bicycle...=(
*Going to take part in
inter-faculty volleyball friendly match this weekend.
*Moving my stuff in room AGAIN...Never suit me all the time.
*Going to
KL to have a little holiday next weekend...See my bro.
*Attend my
bro's convo in KLCC...Outside...Because the hall only allow 2 person.
*Meeting my aunties and cousin to the way to KL...
Shopping together.Wonder have sales or not.
*My sister is in US..Want to chat in MSN.She is not replying me fast.Always cannot meet the time to chat.
National Day 51th is coming so so soon.But it is on Study Week.=(
Final exam is coming.I want to work hard.My coursework marks are not that good as before...Going to do well
*I don't know how to study Business Law.What damn hard subject for me.
*Still cannot comfirm
3-month holiday.Why they cannot comfirm?I thought it should plan before we come in...Damn...Stupid education institute!!!Efficiency plz!!
(Updated):Comfirm adi~o^.^o
I think that all la.
Bye bye...Go calling the U to comfirm and practice again and again...